Here are a few helpful hints regarding the donation process:
· To begin the process, please click on the “DONATE" button above.
· To specify a destination fund for your donation, please select an option under the “Use this donation for” selector.
If you do not select a destination fund, then we will use “Tithes (General Fund)”.
· To specify a recurring monthly payment, please select the “Make this a monthly donation” check box.
This option requires that you have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal, you will be given an opportunity to create one. If you choose not to create a PayPal account, then you can still pay via credit/debit card.
· If you have a First Assembly Envelope Number, please enter that number into the “Write a note (Optional)” area.
You may also use the note area to leave us any additional information or comments. We truly appreciate your feedback.
· Once you have finished filling out the form, please complete the process by clicking the “Donate Now” button.
Shortly afterwards, you will receive a confirmation email verifying your donation.
We thank you in advance for your faithfulness and generosity.